3D Reproductive (Endocrinal) Care

Reproductive (Endocrinal) System

Sexual reproduction is the process by which organisms produce offspring by making germ cells called gametes (spouses).After the male gamete (sperm cell) units with the female gamete (secondary oocyte) -- an event called fertilization -- the resulting cell contains one set of chromosomes from each parent.

Males and females have anatomically distinct reproductive organs that are adapted for producing gametes, facilitating fertilization, and in females sustaining the growth of the embryo and fetus.

The male and female reproductive organs can be grouped by function. The gonads - testes in males and ovaries in females- produce gametes and secrete sex hormones. Various Ducts then store and transport the gametes, and accessory sex glands movement. Finally, supporting structures, such as the penis and females, the growth of the fetus during pregnancy.

Gynecology is the specialized branch of medicine concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the female reproductive system. As noted in Chapter 26, urology is the study of the urinary system. Urologists also diagnose and treat diseases and disorders of the male reproductive system.