3D Bone & Joint(Musculoskeletal) Care

Bone & Joint (Musculoskeletal) System

Together, the voluntarily controlled muscles of your body comprise the Muscular System. The nearly 700 individual muscles that make up the muscular system, for instance, the deltoid muscle, include both skeletal muscles have important functions in producing movements of body parts. a few muscles function in mainly to stabilize bones so that other skeletal muscles can execute a movement more effectively. This chapter presents many of the major muscles in the body. Most of them found on both the right and left sides. For each muscle, we will identify its attachment sites and its innervations - the nerve or nerves that these key aspects of skeletal muscle anatomy will enable you to understand how normal movements occur. This knowledge is especially crucial for allied health and physical rehabilitation movement and physical mobility have been disrupted by physical trauma, surgery, or muscular paralysis.

The Skeletal System constitutes entire framework of bones and their cartilages. A bone is made up of several different tissues working together; bone or osseous tissue, cartilage, dense connective tissue, epithelium, adipose tissue and nervous tissue. For this reason, each individual bone is an organ. Bone tissue is a complex and dynamic living tissue. It continually engages in a process called remodeling- building new bone tissue and breaking down old bone tissue. The system functions are: Support, Protection, Assistance in movement, Mineral homeostasis, Blood cell production and Triglyceride storage. The adult human skeleton consists of 206 named bones are grouped into Axial skeleton (80) and Appendicular skeleton (126). The muscular systems functions are: changing chemical energy into mechanical energy for work and movement, muscle tissue stabilize the body's position, regulate organ volume, generate heat, and propel fluids and food matter through various body systems.