3D Brain (Central Nervous) Care |
The nervous system is a complex, highly organized network of billion of neurons and even more neuroglia. The nervous system includes the brain contains about 100 billion neurons and 12 pairs (right and left) of cranial nerves, cranial nerves and their branches, the spinal card connects to the brain through the foramen magnum of the skull and encircled by the bones of the vertebral column, which contains about 100 million neurons. 31 pairs of spinal nerves emerge from the spinal card, each nerve serves a specific, spinal nerves and their branches, ganglia, enteric plexuses and sensory receptors. A nerve is a bundle of hundreds to thousands of axons plus associated connective tissue and blood vessels that lies out side the brain and spinal card, each nerve serves a specific. For more... |
3D Sense Organs Care |
The eye contains more than half sensory receptors in the human body and a large part of the cerebral cortex is devoted to processing visual information.
The nose contains 10-100 million receptors for the sense of the smell or olfaction, major parts are: nasal cavity, cribriform plate and nasal concha; cells are: receptors, supporting and basal.
The tongue contains nearly10, 000 taste buds. Taste or gustation is a chemical sense; to be detected by either sense, stimulating molecules must be dissolved.
The ear is an engineering marvel because is sensory receptors can transduce sound vibrations with amplitude as small as the diameter of an atom of gold (0.3 mm) into electrical signals 1000 times faster than photoreceptors can respond to light and it also contains equilibrium.
Sensation is the conscious or subconscious awareness of the external or internal stimuli.
Perception is the conscious awareness and the interpretation of meaning of sensation.
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3D Lymphatic and Immune Care |
The Lymphatic and Immune System consist of a fluid called lymph, vessels called lymphatic vessels to transport the fluid, a number of structures and organs containing lymphatic tissue and red bone marrow, where stem cells develop into various types of blood cells including lymphocytes which assists in circulating body fluids and helps defend the body against disease-causing agents. The functions : 1. Lymphatic vessels drain excess interstitial fluid from tissue spaces and return it to the blood. 2. Lymphatic vessels transport the lipids and lipid-soluble vitamins absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract to the blood. 3. Lymphocytes, aided by macrophages, recognize foreign cells, microbes, toxins, and cancer cells and responses: a. In cell mediated immune, T cells destroy the intruders (cell-killers) and b. In antibody-mediated immune, B cells differentiate into plasma cells that protect us against disease by producing antibodies and proteins. For more... |
3D Lung (Respiratory) Care |
The Respiratory System, structurally the respiratory system consists of two parts 1. The upper respiratory system includes the nose, pharynx (throat) and associated structures. 2. The lower respiratory system includes the larynx (voice box), trachea (wind pipe), bronchi and lungs. Functionally the respiratory system also consists of two parts 1. The conducting portion consists of series of interconnecting cavities and tubes both outside and with in the lungs - the nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles and terminal bronchioles - that filter, warm and moisten air and conduct it into the lungs. 2. The respiratory portion consists of tissues with in the lungs where gas exchange occurs - the respiratory bronchioles, alveolar ducts, alveolar sacs and alveoli, the main sites of gas exchange between air and blood. For more... |
3D Heart (Cardiovascular) Care |
The cardiovascular system consists of three interrelated components: blood, heart, blood vessels. Blood is a connective tissue composed of a liquid matrix called plasma that dissolves and suspends various cells and cell fragments. Interstitial fluid is the fluid that bathes body cells. Blood transports oxygen from lungs and nutrients from the gastrointestinal tract to body cells through interstitial fluid. The heart is a pump that circulates the blood through an estimated 100,000 km (60,000 mi) of blood vessels, it beats about 100,000 times every day. Heart pumps 30 times its weight each minute, about 5 lit. to the lungs and the same volume to the rest of the body, that means it pumps 14,000 lit (3,600 gal) of blood in a day. The heart size 12 cm long X 9 cm wide X 6 cm thick and its mass averages 250 gm in adult females & 300 gm in adult males. The blood vessels are five types: arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules and veins. Arteries carry blood away from the heart to other organs. Arterioles are smaller arteries. Capillaries are tiny arterioles entering a tissue. Veins are larger blood vessels that convey blood from the tissues back to the heart. Venules are groups of tiny veins within a tissue.
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3D Liver & GIT (Digestive) Care |
The digestive system processes that food broken down into molecules that are small enough to enter body cells. The passage of these smaller molecules through the plasma membranes of cell lining the stomach and intestines and then into the blood and lymph is termed absorption. Two groups of organs compose the digestive system: 1. The Gastrointestinal tract (GIT) or Alimentary canal is continuous tube that extends from the mouth to the anus through the ventral body cavity, which includes mouth, most of the pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine and large intestine. The length of the GI tract from a cadaver is 9 m (30 ft); 2. The Accessory digestive organs are the teeth, tongue, salivary glands, liver, gallbladder and pancreas.
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3D Endocrinal Care |
The endocrine system influences, around age twelve, as boys and girls enter puberty; they start to develop striking differences in physical appearance and behavior. Perhaps no other period in life so dramatically shows the impact of the endocrine system in directing development and regulating body functions. In girls, estrogens promote accumulation of adipose tissue in the breasts and hips, sculpting a feminine shape. At the same time, or little later in boys, testosterone begins to help build muscle mass and enlarge the vocal cards, producing a lower-pitched voice. These changes are just a few examples of the powerful influences of endocrine secretions. Less dramatically multitudes of hormones help maintain homeostasis on a daily basis. They regulate the activity of smooth muscle, cardiac muscle and some glands; alter metabolism; spur growth and development; influences reproductive processes; and participate in circadian (daily) rhythms established by the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the hypothalamus.
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3D Muscle, Bone & Joint (Musculoskeletal) Care |
The skeletal system constitutes entire framework of bones and their cartilages. A bone is made up of several different tissues working together; bone or osseous tissue, cartilage, dense connective tissue, epithelium, adipose tissue and nervous tissue. For this reason, each individual bone is an organ. Bone tissue is a complex and dynamic living tissue. It continually engages in a process called remodeling- building new bone tissue and breaking down old bone tissue. The system functions are: Support, Protection, Assistance in movement, Mineral homeostasis, Blood cell production and Triglyceride storage. The adult human skeleton consists of 206 named bones are grouped into Axial skeleton (80) and Appendicular skeleton (126).
The muscular systems functions are: changing chemical energy into mechanical energy for work and movement, muscle tissue stabilize the body's position, regulate organ volume, generate heat, and propel fluids and food matter through various body systems.
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3D Kidney (Excretory) Care |
The excretory system consists of two kidneys, two ureters, one urinary bladder and one urethra. After the kidneys filter blood plasma, they return most of the water and solutes to the bloodstream. The remaining water and solutes constitutes urine, which passes through the ureters and is stored in the urinary bladder until it is excreted from the body through the urethra. The kidneys do the major work of the urinary system. Functions of kidneys are: 1. Regulating blood ionic composition: sodium (Na +), potassium (K +), calcium (Ca +2), chloride (Cl -), and phosphate (HPO 4-2). 2. Regulating blood pH: The kidneys excrete a variable amount of hydrogen ions (H +) into the urine and conserve bicarbonate ions (HCO 3-), which are an important buffer of H + in the blood. Both of these activities help regulate blood pH.
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